Coworking Sessions

You're Invited To Our Coworking Sessions!

We offer a virtual weekly accountability meeting focused on helping entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals improve their productivity and organization. 

Sign up below and join us for our weekly 90 minute coworking sessions held on Tuesdays at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST and Fridays at 10 AM PST/1 PM EST. 

We provide a safe, judgement-free, and supportive environment for entrepreneurs,  business owners, and professionals to take control of their to-do list and improve their workload. 

This 90 minute session is broken into 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 - Identify which tasks participants are working on (15 minutes)
  • Phase 2 - Tackle your focus item (60 minutes)
  • Phase 3 - Follow up, reflect, review, and set goals for the next week (15 minutes)

Some tasks that participants have focused on during their sessions include:

  • Social media planning
  • Organizing their workspace
  • Tackling financials
  • Setting monthly and quarterly goals
  • Researching inventory 
  • Email marketing planning
  • Email organization

We'd love to see you at our next session. Fill out the form below to receive the weekly Zoom link!