Answers From Your Neighbourhood Wizards 

1. Are you a cleaning company? 

  • No - The Tidy Biz is an organization business that focuses on tidying, decluttering, organizing, and empowering our customers - entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals - in their business spaces, physical and digital.
  • If you are interested in a cleaning service, we are happy to provide you a reference to a high quality and local cleaning company. You can let our Tidy Wizards know before or during our visit and we’ll be happy to connect you with them.

2. Where are appointments and consultations scheduled?

  • Consultations are booked through our Calendly system. In-person or virtual appointments are booked after you’ve reviewed our proposal and agreed to our services. These appointments are booked based on availability and we work with you  to find the best time for our team to visit. 

3. Do I have to book a consultation before my appointment?

  • Yes! During the consultation call, our team will talk about the specifics of your project, what you are looking to accomplish, your goals, and answer any questions you may have. 

4. I’d like to hire a professional organizer but I’m too embarrassed about my business. What do I do?

  • One of our biggest priorities is making sure our clients are comfortable. We recognize inviting strangers into your business and space is a daunting task. Our Tidy Wizards focus on making sure you feel relaxed, understand how and why we are organizing spaces a certain way, and empowered to maintain the space. We value your privacy and our Tidy Wizards will not discuss your project outside of your business.

5. Why should I hire you when I could do the organization or systems myself?

  • We think this answer is simple - because some projects need professional help. Some individuals might not have the time, ability or capacity to organize their business. This doesn’t mean they are bad at organizing or are lazy. It just means they may need a boost to help get them started again.

6. Who is our ideal client?

  • Our ideal client is an entrepreneur, business owner, or professional who works full-time or part-time. They range from stay at home parents working on a side hustle to busy executives. They also range from small businesses to large corporations, tiny not-for-profit organizations, and places of worship. Basically, our ideal client is YOU. Someone who has too much to do and not enough time to get it done.